Question: I hear you talk a lot about the "process" of Geulah. I know chassidus discusses the process of activating Moshiach and Geulah coming, but where do you get that even after Geulah and Moshiach come, there's still a process? Doesn't it talk about an event when the world changes over and the "spirit of impurity" leaving the world? There's no more yezer hara? No more enemies? Etc.

Zechariah's response: I think your question can be boiled down to: is Moshiach/Geulah an event or a process? The answer in short, like most good Jewish answers - it's both! Imagine you're at a party. Your favorite band is playing and they are serving your favorite food. All of your closest friends are there having an amazing time. But you're sitting in the corner, facing the wall, thinking about the latest business deal you just lost or donation that just fell through, depressed. Are you at the party? The answer is, well, yes and no. You may be at the party, but are you AT the party? The process chassidus describes for bringing Moshiach was a difficult avodah that was discussed in countless maamorim throughout the generations. But what may be forgotten is that after Moshiach comes, avodah doesn't end, it changes. So much so, even in Tanya the Alter Rebbe discusses the avodah in Yimos HaMoshiach. To think that Moshiach/Geulah is a singular event that lets us off the hook of doing avodah is missing a key point about this process: YOU!  

When we think of the "spirit of impurity leaving the world" or not having a yezer hara - how do you imagine that happens? Most of the time when I hear this described, it's talked about in a miraculous way - poof, the yetzer hara magically goes away! Or in the language of chassidus- m'mayla l'mata. Which is, in fact, THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT GEULAH AND MOSHIACH ARE ALL ABOUT! The ultimate purpose and experience of the world, which we know is dirah b'tachtonim, is about the world BELOW revealing the true essence of G-d in itself. Which means, in my opinion, that we have to start thinking about what the world looks like with the full revelation of Moshiach not as an event we have to wait for, because its reality is totally incomparable to the world and life we are living currently, but a process that we have to take active steps towards revealing that reality in the world.

For example, what decision can I make today, that I am working on making a habit, about moving my life forward and making it more Geuladik? Working on my marriage? Taking a new risk in business? Connecting with my child more? Eating mindfully? Adding a few minutes to my Torah learning? The habit of good decisions starts with one step forward.  

Or, where do I not see or experience G-d in my life? How can I take a moment in that time of the day and become present and contemplate about the greatness of G-d and His love for you?
